I am feeling awash in positive vibes. Riding high from our biggest and most delicious couscous party ever, I can’t help but think of the grocery list of little things that cheer me:
1. My in-laws tell me that their rain barrel is full. This may not sound earth shattering, but the fact that these right-leaning Southern Germans even have a rain barrel is quite encouraging. I recall a time when our president appeared on television, wearing an Izod sweater à la Mr. Rogers, and encouraged us to turn down the thermostat and put on a sweater instead. It became non-partisan to conserve energy. Back then, only eco-freaks would have done that in Germany. Now the tables are turned, with rain barrels de rigueur and solar panels available at the hardware store in the Vaterland, while Americans plaster W’s on their hummers and refuse to remove their Kerry bumper stickers from their Prius.
2. The seal on the rice syrup I bought was a tiny little paper sticker over the edge of the jar lid. Simple, small impact, effective. After my ravings about sealing mustard from nuclear holocaust, this was so very welcome. Kisses to the folks at Lundberg for thinking about the big picture and for making my day.
3. My lettuces and peas are all asprout (and untrampled by junior couscous guests, thanks to quick-acting Number One Son), and the co-op sports the most beautiful baby greens from just 20 miles away. Clearly our dance to the May Queen worked!
4. Two long-suffering folks passed away within a day of each other, both parents of contemporaries. While it stirs up sadness in my pot of grief, I am thankful that their pain is over, and that their children can move from the roller coaster stage to the work of grieving. Our class – for it is made of parents as well as children – has been through much together, and we realize that the measure of joy and sorrow contributes immensely to the texture and color of our lives.
With several dozen dirty dishes to throw in the machine and a mysterious sticky spot in the living room, Little One woke with the flu, but I am thankful for the “down” day. We will clean a little, rest a little, and not get dressed until we actually have to go out. A Very Thoughtful Friend even brought a stack of Model Railroader magazines, which will entertain my little duck for hours.
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