Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Full moon

Last night, I watched the moon set and the sun begin its rise, thanks to a visit from the insomnia gremlins. I had hoped to be in good form, as we had planned a hike with Darling Husband’s Tea Buddy, and had had to reschedule it one too many times already. As I drifted off near morning, I was sure I wouldn’t have the energy to go, let alone hike a canyon. But the day rose sunny, with riotous bird song, and we decided on a late start rather than a rain check.

On our trek away from suburbia, we had driven past successively rustic-looking past farm stands (some with fireworks for sale as well), and it was nearing snack time. But we were anxious to meet up at the trail head, so we promised ourselves local fruit later in the day. We took our time descending into Robe Canyon, pausing often to examine the lush flora. What a pleasant discovery to find local as local could be right here on the trail: oodles of ripe salmonberries, fat and juicy, yielding to our fingers, the boys like baby birds opening their mouths wide for me to pop them in. And then the mother lode of wild berries, the black-capped raspberry, though only enough for one apiece.

The boys and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know this man who has quietly mentored my husband for years now. Little One announced that he wanted to go play at Tea Buddy's house, Number One decided he was cool, and I indulged in the rarity of being able to use Americanisms and have them be understood. After we had consumed everything in our backpacks, mentor opened his bag and shared the contents, including Gummi Incredibles and Junior Mints. It would be a travesty to describe the purchases made at the Tom Thumb Grocery Store in Granite Falls for the sun-drenched drive home as food, but they did add to the texture of the day’s experiences.

But the best part was waking late the next morning to sunlight streaming through my window, the house still blissfully still. Little One did not wander during the wee hours, and we all had slept like proverbial logs.

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