I vividly remember a worksheet my first grade teacher gave to us. It had pictures of everyday objects on it, with a few letters below each picture. The object was to circle the first letter of each image. Below the picture of the refrigerator, I dutifully circled the “F” – for fridge. The teacher marked it wrong, and I was very upset. I discover many years later that my mother has kept the worksheet, that it is a bit of family lore by virtue of the ensuing tantrum. Then today in the car, Little One, knowing that warm summer days mean ice cream, sings a ditty about the stuff of his desire, “in the fridge, and fridge starts with F.”
One time, we’re driving home from doing the shopping, and he blurts out, “Penguins make ice!” I make some non-committal Mommy-type grunt, since utterances like this are quite common. Still, I can’t help but wonder where he got that one. Then I see it the next time we shop.

A few weeks ago, as he took a bite of his supper, he considered for a moment, then looked at me and said “Everything we eat grows.”
Clearly, he continues to blur imagination and reality, but I am in no hurry to see him grow up. He will not be subjected to the same worksheet; he doesn’t need it. He’s already plenty wise.
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